Thursday, September 6, 2012

Yay... today is a new day!!! and I am so grateful that I am basically finished with the cards that I have been working on, and now I am making the envelopes. Creating these cards have been quite an experience... a great one in deed. I loved working with the My Minds Eye six by six pads that I originally found at AC Moore and got for $2.39... Yipee. And now I am ready to package and distribute. I have some great ideas on how I want them presented to my customers. Key Word: BEAUTIFULLY. And I will have more to show on that in the next few entries.

Happy Thursday,


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wow, All, what is it? A year and a half.

A lot has happened in the last year and a lot of it has to do with my expanding crafting experience. I am so grateful for how the Universe has treated me. I have learned so much and experienced so much. 

I just want to say thank you God...

Thank you God for creating me and blessing me with a positive outlook on life. 

Thank you God for blessing me and allowing to explore my creative gifts in safe, happy, enjoyable ways. 

Thank you for blessing me with a secure environment. 

Thank you for blessing me with a man who encourages my gifts and allows me to work on my projects for as long as I want (in balance of course!)... 

Thank you for all the support I have received from family and friends. 

Thank you God for blessing me with friends. 

Thank you God for honesty and allowing me to express myself.

Thank you God for self expression.

Thank you God for forgiveness and giving me the power to forgive others. 

Thank you God for showing me that I am somebody and I have a lot to give to the world. 

Thank you God for allowing me to dream big.

Thank you God for making my dreams come True. 

Thank you God for blessing me with a healthy self image of myself. 

I allow you to come into my heart and show me the woman I am meant to be. 

Thank you God for delivering me into a better space. 

Thank you Heavenly Father for removing things that do not belong in my psyche. 

Thank you God for safety.  

Thank you God for a clean happy safe heart, body, mind and soul. 

I love You so much. 

Thank you God for blessing me with a space to be Me.

Thank you for showing me that I matter.

Thank you for blessing me with my destiny.

Thank you for blessing me with an online presence that I may be a Great inspiration to All 

(Thank you Followers...)

I would also like to thank all those who have encouraged me to start this blog.

Thank you to all the bloggers that have inspired me. 

Thank you God for a safe space to Be.

And there it is, my thank you Letter to the God... whom I love so dearly

Until next time,


Saturday, May 14, 2011

2nd Day of Blogging!!!

I'm back and making progress... Since the last post I have fell in love with chain and Swarovski Crystal. Such a beautiful combination. (Pictures coming soon)

I made a bracelet for the Barista at my local Starbucks... can't wait to give to her. This is my first gift to someone outside of my family... I hope she likes it. I am also in the process of making another bracelet for my Calligraphy instructor, Kitty Pechet for our last class. I actually confided in a few members of the class about my aspirations of selling the pieces I make and she encouraged me to bring something in. Uhh, I am a little nervous. I hope she likes it. I value her opinion on my work. We will see what happens!!! Wish me luck(:

Ok. To stay on track I would really like to perfect this chain and Swarovski bracelet project... One piece at a time. It is important to pay attention to the process. Sometimes I can trail off and get lost in my head and I would prefer to be attentive and alert.  I hope someone, one day will appreciate the attention put into the piece.

Later Gator.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My First Day...

Who are you? and Why do feel it is necessary for YOU to start a blog???

Good question. My name is Simone and I am a crafter. I live at home with my parents and all my life I have been extremely family oriented. I love my parents, I love my brother and all of my extended family. I have worked in an office environment for the last five years and recently got laid off. Now I am home with a lot of time on my hands... Sound interesting? (:

I love making jewelry, cards, wall hangings and I LOVE to knit. But thus far in my life I have not shared my work or done anything in any methodical order in terms of crafts and I would like to change that. So here is a list of what I would like to accomplish.

Start and COMPLETE projects...
       Meaning: everything I START... I FINISH... I may choose to go in a different direction within
       a project and that is my creative decision. (For example. If something simply doesn't look "right")

Create a rhythm of some sort. Where I am able to track progress and work completed.

Start an ETSY store... my dream for some time now.

I have a lot to plow through but I hope to enjoy the journey. I hope to share my journey honestly with my viewers. (I hope I get viewers)  mmmm. Who woulda thunk this blog thing would take so much thought. lol? I hope I am making sense. We will see what happens. I will be back tomorrow!!!